A podcast player and subscription organizer with a terminal-based user interface.

Technology stack:
Rust (tui/crossterm, actix), GStreamer, SQLite, DBus
Subscription management and automatic feed updates, keeping track of the status of each episode, online search for new feeds to subscribe to, flexible theming and fully configurable keybindings, MPRIS support.
Hedgehog manual (hedgehog.1), pre-build binaries (Linux and Windows).
Commits count
Stargazers count
Rust (99.3%) Makefile (0.4%) Batchfile (0.2%) Shell (0.1%)

DiceRobot is a dice rolling app with sheet management capabilities. It will take care of dice, modifiers, and tedious arithmetic to make user’s experience at the table as enjoyable as possible.

Android 4.1 or newer
Rolling dice: rolling arbitrary-sided dice, selecting highest and lowest dice results, performing arithmetics. Sheet management: creating constants and saved rolls for easier access, organized into separate sheets. Expression analysis: computing probability of any dice roll outcome. History: every roll a user makes is saved for future access.
Technology stack:
Flutter; Google services: AdMob, Firebase Analytics, Play Billing

Procedural domain-specific statically and strongly typed programming language for solving twisting cube puzzles, such as Rubik’s cubes. Compiles into Python program.

Technology stack:
Python, Lark parser
Language features:
Variables, control flow, user-defined functions, domain-specific 'orient' operator, turning and rotation syntax common in the speedcubing community, support for arbitrarily sized cubes. Runtime library, written in Python.
Related project:
CubePlayer: OpenGL-based application for visualizing solving formulas in 3D. The source is available on GitHub.
Commits count
Stargazers count
Python (100.0%)

A Telegram-bot that generates images of punched cards and punched tape with a user’s message encoded. The bot supports multiple encodings and several image formats.

Technology stack:
Python, python-telegram-bot, Pillow, Tornado
The bot is running on Heroku and deployed via the Docker registry
Bot's Telegram account: @keypunch_bot
Commits count
Stargazers count
Python (99.1%) Dockerfile (0.9%)

An HTTP-server implemented in Assembly language for x86-64 processor architecture. The server implements the subset of HTTP/1.0 specification (only GET methods are supported along with some other limitations).

Server capabilities:
Serving static files from the filesystem, generating directory index.
Commits count
Stargazers count
Assembly (97.7%) Makefile (2.3%)

An editor for context-free grammars for Lark (a parsing library for python) that implements syntax highlighting, autosuggestions, and error highlighting. The editor also supports the parsing of a sample text and viewing it’s AST.

The editor is a GUI application written in Python using GTK+3 for GNOME.
Commits count
Stargazers count
Python (100.0%)